Fascial Release

What means fascial?

"Fascial" is regarding the Fascia. Every muscle and all of our organs are surrounded by an interconnected network of tissue called Fascia. This tissue literally holds us together, contributing to the structure and functioning of the entire body.

Why address the fascial system?

Many physical discomforts are caused by fascial stiffness and restriction. These can be released through manual work on the deep tissues. Precise manipulation of deep-seated connective tissue knots has a balancing effect on the entire organism through the fascial system, helping it to regain balance and vitality.

Until now, little attention has been paid to the fasciae in manual bodywork. However, it has been known for several years that by mobilizing the connective tissue, both blocked joints can be relieved and stereotypical movement patterns can be dissolved. Thickening, hardening or drying of the connective tissue, make individual fibers and portions of the connective tissue less mobile, or can shorten certain fascial pathways.  If the gliding ability of the connective tissue is impaired, sooner or later painful syndromes occur.

photos by Kimi Palme

How does fascial work work?

By touching the skin directly, fascial twists and disturbances in the various body segments, as well as visible changes such as shortening or adhesions of connective tissue strands, can be identified. Whole-body palpation reveals major problem areas and connective tissue changes within the fascial system. Because fascia functions like a large web, the result of fascia work feels holistic. Even if problem areas are identified locally, the effect of local treatment is often felt throughout the entire organism. However, local work is not necessarily done on the area that you feel is painful, often trigger points are the cause. They radiate much further and also have the holistic effect just mentioned.

I deliberately do not refer to fascia work as a massage, since the person being treated should breathe actively and individual grips can feel very painful. The goal is therefore to work together through breathing and relaxation techniques, not to resist, but to "go along", so that the contact with the deep tissue can be experienced as a "pleasant pain".